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Promoting Electric Vehicles: Reducing Charging Inconvenience and Price via Station and Consumer Subsidies

发布日期:2023年11月16日 17:02浏览次数:

主讲人:Suresh P. Sethi教授



开始时间:2023-11-17 09:30:00

结束时间:2023-11-17 11:30:00

讲座题目:Promoting Electric Vehicles: Reducing Charging Inconvenience and Price via Station and Consumer Subsidies.

讲座主要内容Environmental and energy independence concerns have led governments to subsidize electric vehicles (EVs). Operational decisions for a government are i) to incentivize EV ownership by a direct consumer subsidy, station subsidy that reduces charging inconvenience, or both and ii) to minimize subsidy expenditure (or maximize EV adoption). We model the interactions between the government and the charging supplier as  a Stackelberg game and study the optimal structure of subsidies by incorporating charging inconvenience. The optimal policy depends on the government adoption target and the station construction cost. We also conduct a numerical study based on real-life data.

主讲人简介:Suresh P. Sethi is Eugene McDermott Chair Professor of Operations Management and Director of the Center for Intelligent Supply Networks (C4ISN) at The University of Texas at Dallas. He has written 11 books and published over 400 research papers in manufacturing and operations management, finance and economics, marketing, and optimization theory. He teaches an optimal control theory/applications course and organizes a seminar series on operations management topics. He initiated and developed doctoral programs in operations management at The University of Texas at Dallas UTD and the University of Toronto. He built the operations management area of UTD’s Naveen Jindal School of Management into its current research powerhouse. He has received prestigious honors and awards such as IEEE Fellow, INFORMS Fellow, SIAM Fellow, POMS Fellow, AAAS Fellow, IITB Distinguished Alum, Tepper School of Business-Alumni Achievement Award, and POMS President (2012), INFORMS Fellows Selection Committee (2014-16), Alumni Achievement Award, Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University (2015). Two conferences have been organized in his honor: in Aix en Provence in 2005 and at The University of Texas at Dallas in 2006, with Harry M. Markowitz, a 1990 Nobel Laureate in Economics, as the keynote speaker. Also, two books have been edited in his honor. Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) has instituted a Suresh Sethi Best Interdisciplinary Paper Award every two years beginning in 2024.
